
Augers can be a great way to help dairy producers manage the manure on their dairy. They can be used to transfer manure long distances from the barns to a storage or processing facility, 也可用于装载吊具或其他加工设备.

Unlike pumps, augers have generous clearances and can transport debris with minimal problems. They are also extremely versatile and are available in a variety of sizes, 长度, horsepower and materials of construction to fit nearly any project and budget. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全’s engineering team can design complete material conveyance systems to minimize the amount of time an operator has to spend moving materials from barns or processing facilities.

肥料螺旋输送器 are built to 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全’s high-quality standards for performance and reliability. Some of the auger components are also built to Conveyor Equipment Manufacturer Association (CEMA) standards, 重型选项可用于几乎每一个螺旋钻. Several of the most common applications include: manure conveyance across freestall barns, 输送脱水的肥料纤维, 计量含沙肥料进入砂分离系统, 往粪肥撒布机上撒满了沙土的粪肥, 输送干肥料或沙子的, 进出干燥系统的运输工具, 计量料斗中的物料.


肥料螺旋钻用途广泛,操作简单. A motor and gear reducer turn a shaft containing flighting at a predetermined speed. A housing or trough contains the shaft and material that needs conveyed. As the shaft turns, the flighting advances the material from one end of the trough to the other. Safety covers are used to help contain the material and provide safety.

在大多数现代自由式谷仓, manure is either scraped or flushed from the manure alleys into a conveyance trough. 用于刮粪系统, a 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 auger may be placed into a level trough to convey manure to a reception tank. 螺旋钻的一端装有驱动器, 安全栅栏覆盖着肥料被推入的地方. The auger is switched on either manually during tractor scraping or automatically when alley scrapers are used. The augers run for a set amount of time before turning off automatically.

Augers installed in a storage tank operate on an incline and meter material from the tank and into another piece of equipment. These augers have pre-formed metal troughs that create tight tolerances with the screw shaft. 减少螺旋钻槽的磨料磨损, liners are installed between the trough and the screw shaft and can be removed and replaced when necessary.




菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 has pioneered the use of augers for conveying manure and sand. 每一天, hundreds of our auger systems move thousands of gallons of manure and sand on dairy farms of all sizes around the world. 这些系统简单、坚固、通用且成本效益高.

麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全可以提供许多不同类型的螺旋钻. 卧式粪肥螺旋钻 are used to transfer the manure that’s pushed to the end of the freestall alleys. They convey the manure hundreds of feet across barns to storage locations. Multiple sealing options are available depending on how deep the manure will get in relation to the drives. 轴承, 螺杆轴, 机库和驱动器有多种配置, including a heavy-duty option to ensure a long service life under severe conditions.

倾斜肥料螺旋钻 are used to lift the manure from the storage area into another piece of equipment, often a Sand-Manure分离器,这需要以一致的速率计量粪便. 在其他情况下,a 吊具加载螺旋钻 粪肥撒布机能装得很大吗. 无论如何, these 倾斜肥料螺旋钻 are designed and built with careful attention to make them long-lasting and easy to maintain.



菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 肥料螺旋输送器 were originally designed for conveying sand-laden manure, 所以它们可以承受这种恶劣的环境. 


  • Construction — These augers are designed to last under the most severe applications. This means that the correct types of material is used in the correct places. It also means that wear parts are easily replaceable and maintenance is reasonable.
  • 飞行选项-我们知道,在一个高度磨损的环境, 飞行是最先磨损的东西之一. We offer flighting in different material grades and thicknesses depending on the application. 我们的标准等级为11"和18"螺旋钻是哈多克斯450. 我们的12英寸螺旋钻配有低碳钢架,但可以升级. 我们的标准厚度范围从3/16"到3/8". 在某些情况下,厚度可以达到3/4英寸.
  • Sealing options —We need to protect a motor and gearbox on every machine we sell. In some cases, that's easy, but in others, we have to be more cautious. 在简单的情况下,我们可以提供一个标准的唇封. 在最严峻的应用中, 我们会给系统安装金属表面密封, which is capable of operating submerged in sand and manure for long periods of time.
  • 驱动选项-我们可以提供皮带驱动, 齿轮马达驱动和液压驱动,以适应安装.
  • Sizes and flow rates — Each system is examined by our engineering team to ensure that the equipment will meet or exceed our customers' expectations. With our wide range of sizes and 长度, we can accomplish a wide range of bulk conveyance goals.

There is seldom a one-size-fits-all solution for equipment selection. 这与我们的螺旋钻系统没有什么不同. Many standard components are available as stock for immediate delivery, 但也有很多方法来定制螺旋钻为您的 具体需求.

单次驱动的最远距离超过200英尺. Manure can be conveyed much longer distances by using multiple augers placed end to end to continue transferring the manure. 下表显示了一些标准长度和马力.





12 3 Standard-Duty
24 5 Standard-Duty
36-72 7.5  Standard-Duty
84-108 10 Standard-Duty
120-168 15 重型
180+ 20 重型

你可以通过几种方式省钱. 用麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的重型肥料螺旋钻, less time and money is invested in the upkeep and maintenance of the system. 也, when 卧式粪肥螺旋钻 are used to move manure from the end of the alleys, 拖拉机操作员花更少的时间把肥料赶到坑里.

Many augers have been used to transfer manure from barns to a storage location. 如果螺旋钻将经受长时间的冻结条件, 计时器可以用来开动搅龙,防止它结冰. 也, it’s recommended that the auger is covered with hay bales or something equivalent during cold spells to minimize the risk of freezing.

肥料螺旋输送器 are built to 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全’s high-quality standards for performance and reliability.

特性 & 好处
  • 经过乳制品行业的检验和验证
  • 完整的单位可作为库存快速交货
  • 庞大的零件库存用于售后支持
  • 可在各种各样的驱动器选项
  • Several seal options are available depending on the severity of the application
  • 可提供重型螺旋轴
  • Wide selection of bearings are available, including the 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 lower bearing assembly
  • 工程人员可提供设计,布局和支持


我们的客户服务团队随时为您服务. We can ship you parts, send field service technicians to your site and answer any questions you have. 无论你需要什么,我们都会为你服务.

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